

Business / Industry (MLM)

• Is it like a pyramid scheme?

Yes it is a pyramid scheme… If you mean that it is like the pyramid most people work in with the CEO at the top earning huge money, then area managers, then managers, then supervisors and the minions at the bottom earning minimum wage with no chance of ever getting anywhere near the top. YES – this is like that, except the other way round. The triangle is the other way up. You help other people to get what they want, they build up their business, and as they do it they build up yours too.

Doesn’t that sound like a fairer way of doing business to you?

“The best way to get what you want is to help other people get what they want” Zig Ziglar.


• Is it selling? I’m no good at selling

Money is only made by selling something!

You either sell a product or service, or you sell yourself to a boss for a JOB…and if you want more money you have to sell yourself at a higher value…so, YES it’s all ‘selling’! But, NO… we don’t physically have to sell anything, the company does that – we offer information and we simply show people how to get more of the things they want in life. However, when most people say this, what they have in mind is hard pressure sales and we’d like to assure you, this is not that. In fact hard pressure sales people usually don’t do well in the long term, unless they learn to change. This is a business of information sharing, education and support. And it doesn’t end when a new member decides to join us or a new customer decides to try the YGY products, that is just the beginning of our ‘relationship’.

It’s about finding the people who are right for this and helping them achieve what they want with it. If they are excited to use our particular vehicle to get to their dreams, that’s wonderful. If they are not, then that’s OK too.

We are 100% certain that it works if you work it, and we have a step by step plan to show you.


• Is it like Amway?

It is Network Marketing, yes, but its different to Amway. Network Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. It’s completely reputable and a fantastic way to earn a living while helping others to achieve their own dreams too. We have a really good information DVD that explains our Industry and gives you all the facts and figures if you want to find out more.


• Would I have to put a lot of time into it? I don’t have a lot of spare time right now

We have people who spend just a few hours a week on their business, then there are full timers and everything in between. The person who introduced you to this can show you how to maximize the time that you do have. Just make a start today and you’ll soon see how far you can go with this amazing opportunity.


• How much could I make if I can only put 5 hours a week into it?

The person who introduced you to this opportunity can show you how, by finding just 4 people who also want to build a business, you can quickly go from a relatively small monthly income to a very significant one. Like most things in life, the more you commit to it the faster and bigger the results. And the more ‘coach-able’ you are the faster you are likely to go.

Because everyone is unique there is no way to predict your exact level of success, but we can say that if you get started right and don’t give up you will succeed.


• Do I have to sell this to my friends? I have heard of people who have lost some of their friends trying to sell them things.

No, you don’t have to share this with anyone you don’t want to. But what if you found that you liked something so much that it became impossible to not share it with those you love and respect? After all, this is what good friends do – they share the things they like with each other.

The person who shared this with you did so because they know how amazing this opportunity is and that it can help you both get to where you want to go in life. Properly trained professionals are unlikely to hard-sell or pressure you. They have too much respect for you, the opportunity and themselves. They are only looking for others who are genuinely interested in what they have and who can see the benefits in it for themselves.

Our ‘getting started’ training shows you multiple ways to share this fantastic opportunity without ‘selling’ or using pressure and losing your friends. Through this simple training you will become comfortable offering this in a professional, courteous way. When done correctly, others will thank you for sharing this with them.


• What if it doesn’t work? I’ve tried this type of thing before and got nowhere.

As far as the 90 For Life nutritional products are concerned, you have a full 30 day money back guarantee, so although we have literally thousands of people who swear by our products and take them each and every day, you really have nothing to lose by trying the 90 For Life system for 30 days. And for the business – As the old adage goes ‘It Will Work If You Do’. We have many people that have achieved success beyond their wildest dreams. There is no question that it works. The only question to ask is ‘Do I want to make it work for me?’


• Would I have to stand up in front of people?

Not if that’s not your style. We do all that for you. The person who introduced you can show you our schedule of regular meetings plus video links and teleconferences. There is so much support; all you need to do is allow it.


• I don’t know anything about nutrition, how could I have credibility?

Don’t worry if you’re not an expert on nutrition, business, or anything else for that matter. Many successful members are not experts either. But you have access to an enormous wealth of expertise and information at your finger tips. All you need to do is use our system and let the expertise of others do the work for you.


• Would I lose my Government benefit if I earn too much?

That’s another question for an expert. The rewards here are excellent and you can, if you work hard, earn significant income. However, we do understand that if you currently receive a Government benefit of any kind, that may be stopped once you pass a certain level of income. We suggest you be completely honest and up front with your case manager and ask them how it works in your case. The person who introduced you can then guide you through the process.


• If it’s all about business and making money, who actually takes the products?

Everyone who gets involved takes the products. Ask the person who introduced you to forward the link regarding the way the reward system works. You can be sure that we run a legitimate business model that rewards effort. If you have questions after looking at that link, feel free to ask the person who introduced you.


• Aren’t these things just a big scam?

See above. Our company has been around for over 17 years. We are currently experiencing significant growth as the retail world declines. Check out the many testimonials of people from all walks of life (the person who introduced you can send you the links). Of course there are people who treat this business like a lottery ticket and they join and wait to get rich quickly and when that doesn’t happen, they say IT doesn’t work … Truth being THEY didn’t work it. Some of those people get on a crusade against MLM, so be carful when listening to ‘sad stories’ and get your support person involved to put it in perspective.

You can also check out our corporate investor relations site:


• Don’t the people at the top make all the money while most of the people do all the work and make nothing? That’s what happened to my friend.

Your friend wasn’t with us! Once you’ve read and understood the compensation plan with this opportunity, you’ll see how fair and generous it is to all our members. Anyone can earn more than the current top earners, but why focus on what others are earning? Remember- there are no income limitations here. So why not set some personal earnings goals, start to use our proven system, and begin living the life of your dreams. Your level of success is totally up to you.


• How do I get onto the online shop?

Go to your back office or send your prospects to www.(Your Username)


• Can I order/change my order myself online or do I have to do it through the person who introduced me?

Yes. Once you are registered as a Distributor/Associate, you can change your orders online, on your phone app or by a phone call to the office if you prefer. It’s all very quick, simple and easy.


• Do I pay & receive money in LOCAL currency or US dollars?

In countries with a local office, all payments are converted into local currency.


• How is money paid to me – by cheque or direct into my account?

You receive a cheque. It’s all very exciting when you see the first one! You can also arrange to have payments made direct into your account if you prefer. In some countries there is also the option of a debit card.


• How long til it arrives once I’ve ordered my product?

Usually 2 to 5 working days depending on your location.


• Am I committed to taking it for a set period of time?

You control your orders and they usually ship month by month automatically (Autoship). If you want to change or stop your order, you can do that from your website, your smart phone app or just let the office know via telephone or by email within 5 days of your next order date. Starting, stopping or changing orders is that simple.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]